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나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐(영어)

방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 양천구 신월로24길 8 (기쁜소식사) 기쁜소식사
나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐(영어)
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생각이 변하고 삶이 달라지는 마인드 내비게이션

당신에게 행복을 가져다 줄 10가지 이야기


매년 40여 개국을 순회하며 강연을 통해 세계 젊은이들의 마음의 병을 치유하는 청소년 문제 상담가 박옥수 목사가 펴낸 책. 살면서 가장 중요한 마음의 세계에 대해서 배운 적이 없어 방황하는 젊은이들을 위해 20년 경력의 마인드 강연 전문가가 선사하는 이 시대 최고의 마음 문제 해결서다.

저자는 마음에도 강물처럼 흐르는 길이 있다고 말하며, 마음의 세계를 알면 삶이 변하고 행복해질 수 있다고 강조한다. 마음, 욕구, 지혜, 고립, 행복, 대화 등 10개의 주제에 따라 왜 마음의 세계를 알아야 하는지, 우리를 불행으로 끌고 가는 것은 무엇이고 행복에 이르는 진정한 변화는 어디에서 오는지를 이야기한다. 특히 이론적이고 교과서적인 여타의 자기계발서와 달리, 우리 주변에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 개인의 실제 이야기를 예로 들어 풀어감으로써 ‘꼭 내 이야기를 하는 것 같아’라는 공감대를 이끌어낸다. 












Letters of Recommendation 1
Preface 19
Chapter 1 Heart: Like a River, There Is a Way the heart Flows 23
A Drug Addict Who Fell into His Thoughts While Eating a Piece of Spoiled Bread 25
At This Restaurant, I Really Feel Like I Am Eating at Home 30
The Younger Son Who Was Filled with Confidence and Left with the Wealth 33
Once You Fall into Something, It Is Impossible to Have Normal Logic and Actions 36
The Rich Man from the Countryside Who Fell for a Prostitute from Pyeongyang and Pulled Out a Tooth for Her 40
“Father, Don’t Make Me Your Son, Make Me One of Your Hired Servants” 43
The World of the Heart Changes as It Goes through Six Levels 45

Chapter 2. Desires: Have You Learned Self-Control from a Young Age? 51
A Leper, Who, for the First Time in His Life, Went to a Chinese Restaurant and Had Jajang Noodles 53
A Temp Cleaner and His Son from a Village in Seoul 56
The More Abundantly You Live, the Less Time There Is for the Heart to Flow 61
When We Were Poor, We Just Lived through It, but Now, We Earn Lots of Money 63
More Important Than a Growing Economy Is the Mind-set to Control One’s Self 69
Parents Need to Hold Back the Heart of Wanting to Do Things for Their Children, and the Children Need to Break Their Hearts of Asking for Things 72
Even Now, You Need to Learn to Break Your Desires and Humble Your Heart 76

Chapter 3. Self-Control: Your Ability to Control Yourself Is the Safety Device to Freely Utilize Your Youth 79
People Who Continue to Live, Even though They Know Their Disease of the Heart 81
The Cause of Living Riotously According to Your Own Heart 83
It Is the Brakes that Must Overcome the Engine 88
The Engine and Brakes of Man’s Heart Are Desire and Self-Control 91
What Kinds of People Fall into Drugs? 94
The Couple Who Could only Become Divorced because Both of Them Thought that They Were Great 96
People Today Who Live Having Lost the Ability to Contemplate 100
The Mother Who Buried a Large Piece of Gold in the Ground 104
You Must Nurture Your Ability to Contemplate and Your Ability of Self-Control 108

Chapter 4 Wisdom: True Wisdom Is Knowing Your Shortcomings 109
Doctor, Four-Fourths of Your Life Is Sinking into the River 111
He’s Going to Be a Big Man in the Future! The Time of Pain Caused by that Pride 115
People Who Live Like the Frog in the Well 121
The Home of the World’s Greatest Chess Player 124
As You Live, You Must Meet People Who Are Better than You, and You must also Experience Failure 129

Chapter 5 Isolation: When Hearts Do not Flow with One Another, but Are Locked Away by Themselves, Misery Is Felt 131
The Single Women in America Who Live with Their Pet Dogs 133
The Son Who Misunderstands His Mother’s Heart before Having a Conversation with Her 135
People Today Who Hide Their Hearts and Speak only with Words 142
Just as Idle Water Spoils, the Heart also Becomes Diseased When It Is Isolated 145
Surely, I Have Chosen You, but Why Can’t You Trust Me? 148
If You Cannot Share Your Heart with a Person When You Feel Lonely, How Can that Be a Person You Love? 153

Chapter 6. Exchange: If There Is a Problem You Cannot Solve, It Is because You Are Trying to Solve It on Your Own 157
A Problem Cannot Be Solved by You Trying to Solve It on Your Own 159
The Thought of a Young Woman Who Thought She Could not Be Married because She Thought She Was Sexually Disabled 162
When You Are Led through Conversation Instead of Trying to Solve Problems Yourself, Even Problems of the Heart Become Easy 165
Do not Turn the Lights On! Remove the Strap from Your Hats, and Throw Them All Down to the Ground 169
When You Go Beyond Your First Level of Thought, You Obtain the Ability to Think and Develop 174

Chapter 7 Change: The Heart Begins to Open When We Receive Love 177
Doctor, We Will Repair the Roof of Your House 179
The Heart of a Parent and the Heart of an Uncle Can never Be the Same 182
The Minister Who Left His Son in the Hands of a Gangster 185
Once the Son Felt the Love of the Father, Change Happened in His Life 190
People Chase after the Things They See with Their Eyes because They Have not Seen Anything Better 193
What Will Moving the Hand on the Gauge to the Top Do When You Are out of Fuel? 196

Chapter 8. Discovery: New Life Begins When You Become Connected to a Different Heart 199
People Who Give Themselves a Generous Score Have Lives that Become Tiring and Filled with Problems 201
The Metal Wire around the Monkey’s Neck that It Cannot Undo on Its Own 204
If only I Could Straighten Out His Hand, which Has Folded like a Mitten 206
The Change of a College Student Who Had Been Addicted to Computer Games 209
What Kind of Couple Divides the Wife’s and Husband’s Possessions? 13
When the Time Comes, a Caterpillar Changes into a Beautiful Butterfly without any Cosmetic Surgery 218

Chapter 9. Happiness: Happiness Is to Live Feeling the Flavor of a Person 223
Father, It’s All Over for Us 225
If You Don’t Jump into the Sea, I’ll Shoot You 230
Once You Acquire the Taste of Durian, It Doesn’t Smell So Terrible Anymore 235
You Have to Live Sensing the Flavor of People 239
Honey, I Don’t Want to Live like that Anymore, so Please Forgive Me 242
People must Have Their Hearts Flow into One Another 247

Chapter 10. Conversation: Don’t Just Avoid Something because It Is Burdensome. Speak Your Heart with Your Father 249
The Performer Who Believes You Must Become One-Hearted with the Piano to Perform Well 251
Father, Do You Think You Can Live with a Mistress Even When You Are Old? Be Good to Mother Now 256
Just because the Water Is Your Enemy, Can You Live without Drinking Water? 260

상품필수 정보

1. 도서명 나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐(영문)
2. 저자, 출판사 박옥수, 온마인드
3. 크기 152 * 223 * 20 mm
4. 쪽수 304쪽
5. 제품 구성 단권
6. 출간일 2016년 10월
7. 목차 또는 책소개 매년 40여 개국을 순회하며 강연을 통해 세계 젊은이들의 마음의 병을 치유하는 청소년 문제 상담가 박옥수 목사가 펴낸 책. 살면서 가장 중요한 마음의 세계에 대해서 배운 적이 없어 방황하는 젊은이들을 위해 20년 경력의 마인드 강연 전문가가 선사하는 이 시대 최고의 마음 문제 해결서다.


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