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방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 양천구 신월로24길 8 (기쁜소식사) 기쁜소식사
내가 왜 그랬을까(영어)
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요즘 인생이 내 뜻대로 안 풀리고 괴로운 일, 머리 아픈 일만 생긴다고 푸념하는 사람들이 많다. ‘힘들지만 다시 해보는 거야’ 하면서 삶의 방향을 바꿔보려고 노력하지만, 그들의 각오와 결심은 잠깐이다. 점점 우리 주변에 마음이 병을 앓는 사람들이 늘어나고 있다. 비뚤어진 마음, 제어할 수 없는 마음, 불안한 마음, 고립된 마음, 무력해진 마음 등…. 스스로 마음을 교정해보려고 했으나, 얼마 지나지 않아 제자리로 돌아온다. 마음의 병은 거기서 멈추지 않는다. 심해지는 불면증으로 병원을 찾아가면 우울증, 공황장애, 불안장애, 강박증, 화병, 조현병 등의 진단을 받고 신경안정제를 복용하게 된다. 문제는, 이런 수순을 거쳐 상태가 호전되면 좋은데 약물처방으로는 정신질환이 아직 근원적으로 치료되지 않고 있다는 점이다. 




Chapter 1
Where Does Sadness or Misery Happen?
A Certain Power that Drags Us 20
A Power Stronger Than Your Determination 21
If I Become that Man's Wife 24
So What If He’s Disabled, So What If He’s Poor? 28
Isn’t This What Heaven Is! 33
Who Did You Go See at the Market Today? 34
If Someone Could Piece Together the Broken Happiness 38
The Great Judgment that Saved the Merchant of Venice 41
This Was Shakespeare’s Scheme 46
I Thought My Husband Would Be Happy 49
The Evil Spirit, the Culprit of All Tragedies 51
Chapter 2
All Misery and Pain Are from the Evil Spirit
People Who Believe in Their Own Decisions 52
I Paid the Taxi Fare! 53
When A Certain Thought Defeats Your Heart 57
The Tenant’s Lifetime Wish 58
Why Don’t You Take Care of My Vineyard? 59
He Was So Thankful to the Owner 64
The Tenant Became a Renowned Man in the Village 67
I Meant to be Good to the Owner, But What’s Wrong with Me? 71
It Was My Heart But It Did Go Accordingly 74
I Was Out of My Mind at the Time 76
If the Son Is Gone, the Vineyard Is Mine 81
The Husbandman Inside of Me 84
Chapter 3
The Trick of the Evil Spirit to Fish the Heart
The People Who Say They Were Happy Until Then 20
Surely I Will Win Money This Time 21
My Unbearably Beautiful Baby 24
What If Someone Kills My Daughter? 27
If There Were Units to Measure Fear 31
Where Can I Go to Get Away from Fear? 33
Like a Puppet on Strings 37
Thoughts You Do Not Want Must be Doubted 39
Dragged Around by Baseless Thoughts 44
There Were Plenty of Ways to Be Freed 46
Became the Heroine of a Tragedy 48
The Evil Spirit Who Cannot Be Defeated Through Man’s Intelligence 48
Chapter 4
The Evil Spirit Says the Sun Will Not Rise
A Particular Wish of a German Man 20
If You Connect Pipelines to the Brewery 21
We Loved Each Other, Why Is This Happening? 24
Unable to the End to Find a Point of Compromise 27
She Would Miss Her Mother and Blame Her Father 31
When the Sun Rises in the Morning of Kriribati 33
There Is Night and Day in Life 37
Death Will Save Me from the Long Pain 39
If You Know How to Differntiate Your Thoughts 44
How to Cut Down the Tree of Death 46
The Evil Spirit Only Showed Me Despairing Things! 48
Now, Select Joy Even If There is Sadness 48
When You Open Your Eyes You See 48
Chapter 5
The Heart, Like a Mirror, Reflects As Is
Even While Stealing, I Was Good 20
The Power of the Evil Spirit that Leads to Destruction 21
The Woman Who Had It All 24
She Did Not Like Her Husband 27
Your Business Succeeded Because of the Ancestor Gods! 31
If You Jump, Everything Will End 33
Who Is This Voice, Who’s Trying to Kill Me? 37
Were They Truly at Peace, Having Selected Death? 39
The Evil Spirit Carefully Pressured for a Long Time 44
Met the Power to Overcome the Evil Spirit 46
A Peace the World Could Not Give 48
Out from The World of the Evil Spirit 48
Chapter 6
I Will Give You Rest
Why Do You Live Carrying Heavy Loads? 20
I Failed in Everything 21
The Trouble of the Elite Student from Beijing University 24
You Have Depression 27
Why Are the Chinese Police Controlling Me? 31
Are You a Stomach Cancer Patient, or a Malaria Patient? 33
If the Heart to Trust Yourself Deepens 37
If You Could Acknowledge that Your Thoughts Are Wrong 39
If You Believe Verse 10, But Not Verse 11 44
The Life of Brightness in Jesus 46

상품필수 정보

1. 도서명 내가 왜 그랬을까(영어)
2. 저자, 출판사 박옥수, 온마인드
3. 크기 150 * 214 * 21 mm
4. 쪽수 232쪽
5. 제품 구성 단권
6. 출간일 2019년 07월 11일
7. 목차 또는 책소개 요즘 인생이 내 뜻대로 안 풀리고 괴로운 일, 머리 아픈 일만 생긴다고 푸념하는 사람들이 많다. ‘힘들지만 다시 해보는 거야’ 하면서 삶의 방향을 바꿔보려고 노력하지만, 그들의 각오와 결심은 잠깐이다....


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