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방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 양천구 신월로24길 8 (기쁜소식사) 기쁜소식사
내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나(영어)
총 상품금액
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총 합계금액




전 세계 교육 관계자들로부터 청소년문제 전문가로 인정받고 있는 저자 박옥수의 세 번째 마인드북 <내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나>가 출간되었다. 저자가 독자들에게 꼭 알려주고 싶은 ‘생각의 정체와 정리과정’을 심층으로 다룬 이 책은, 저자가 실제로 만나 상담한 사례를 바탕으로 마음의 세계를 더욱 심도 있게 분석한 마인드북이다. 이에 앞서, 2009년 중국 공청단의 초청을 받아 이틀 간 청소년문제에 관한 교육을 했는데, 그때 중국 출판사의 제안으로 발행된 책이 <나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐>이다. 이 책이 마음의 세계를 설명한 최초의 마인드북으로 자리하면서 마인드북 시리즈가 출간되고 있다.


제 1권 <나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐>는 중국어판, 영어판, 러시아어판 등 12개 언어로 번역되어 18개국에서 판매 중이며, 미국, 중국, 인도, 일본, 케냐, 태국, 캄보디아 등에서 마인드교육 교재로 쓰이며 스와질란드 교육부에서는 이 책을 ‘국가 비전 프로젝트’에 필요한 핵심교재로 선정하였다. 2016년 교보인터넷 청소년 부문 19주 연속 베스트셀러 1위를 지킨 제 2권 <마음을 파는 백화점>에 이어서, 2017년에 <내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나>가 출간되었다.


특히 제 3권 <내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나>는 저자가 독자들에게 꼭 알려주고 싶은 ‘생각의 존재와 내 안의 다른 존재’에 대하여 심층으로 다루었으며 불행으로 이끌리는 마음의 원인을 규명해, 많은 이들이 고통에서 벗어날 수 있는 실질적인 마인드교육의 지침서가 될 것으로 기대한다. 1편과 2편이 영어판, 중국어판, 일어판 등 여러 나라의 언어로 출간되어 전 세계 마인드교재로 쓰이고 있으며 제 3권 <내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나> 또한 현재 영어판, 중국어판으로 전 세계 독자들에게 선보일 것이다













Chapter 1 The Existence of Thoughts, the Life of Thoughts
People Who Said They Were Happy Before the Incident 20
The Seeds of Thoughts Which Spread Everywhere, like Dandelion Spores 23
The Heart to Love the Child Overcame the Mother’s Selfish Thought 26
Certain Thoughts Arise to Conquer Your Hearts and Ultimately, Your Life 30
Misery Begins on the Day That Hatred Bears Fruit 33
A Person Changes Depending on the Thoughts He Holds in His Heart 37
It Is Important to Check the Thoughts That Enter Your Heart 39
If You Find the Cause and Make the Right Prescription,
You Can Be Freed from the Wrong Thoughts 40
The Bible, the Only Book That Teaches the World of the Heart 43
Chapter 2 The Principle of Power and the Ability to Think
I Want to Go This Way, But What Is This Heart Leading Me the Other Way? 48
Will You Exalt the Authority of the King, or Give Mercy to the Servants? 50
King Jang's Ability to Think Brought Peace and Loyalty 53
Everyone Considers the Thoughts That Come from Within to Be Good 58
Do You Know That There Is a You Who Is Not Actually You? 61
The Principle of Power: You Can Only Be Dragged by Someone Who Is Stronger Than You 64
People Today Who Only Follow Their Impulsive Thoughts 69
Chapter 3 The Course of the Thoughts Inside of the Heart
There Are Many Thoughts That Come and Go Inside of Us as They Drag Around Our Lives 76
Trembled in Fear and Fell in Sadness as the Thoughts Led Her to 83
The Thought That She Would Die Changed to the Thought That Her Daughter Would Die 86
Can You Differentiate Which Thoughts Are Yours and
Which Have Been Put in by Someone Else? 86
Misery Begins from Being Locked in the Illusion That My Husband’s Heart
Is Good and Kind Even Though His Legs Are Crippled 92
The Husband Turned into a Monster: Who Stole Away the Happiness
That Used to Fill This Home? 96
A Baseless Thought That Arose as She Looked at Her Sleeping Husband 101
People Say to Trust Yourself, But When I Saw Who I Was,
There Was Nothing Trustworthy 104
Chapter 4 Drawing a Clear Line in Your Heart
If You Keep Talking About Bright and Happy Things,
Even Though Sadness Comes to You, You Have No Time For it 112
So That We Can Only Head Towards Joy 118
The Consul and His Wife Could Have Solved Their Problem and Opened up
Happiness If They Changed Their Thoughts 119
It Seemed as Though All the Time She Spent With Her Mother Were Put into
a Box and the Mother Took It With Her When She Left 121
Death Was Unsuccessful in Trying to Take This Girl, but Her Father
Was So Afraid of Losing Her 127
I Wanted to Remove the Wounded Heart from Sadness and
Hang It on the Branches of Happiness 130
I Want to Cook to Make People Happy. You Have to Come When I Open a Restaurant 133
Chapter 5 Two Students Who Discovered Light in the Midst of Darkness
I Heard You Talking to Your Invisible Boyfriend 140
Everyone Led by the Evil Spirit Walks the Path of Destruction 143
An Elite Student in the Best University in China Becomes
the Most Depressed Student With the Lowest Scores 144
I Received the Highest Scores Among International Students,
and I Was the Smartest. What Happened to Me? 146
It Feels Like Typhoid, but If the Doctor Says
You Have Malaria, It’s Malaria, Right? 148
They Would Not Despise Me Like This If I had Gotten Accepted
into the Naval Academy 154
A Sinister Outside Force Works in Life to Throw Off the Direction in Life 159
Hiding in the Room Did Not Stop My Thoughts,
and I Had No Friends to Listen to My Pain 162
You Cannot Be Free by Running from This Darkness 164
Chapter 6 The Identity of You Who Is Dragging Me: the Evil Spirit
While I Did Not Even Know It, Strange Thoughts Entered and Settled in My Heart 172
The Warm, Peaceful Voice I Heard,
“If You Die Now, All Your Pain Will End.” 173
A Wealthy Fashion Designer Meets a Witchdoctor out of Curiosity 177
If You Search Your Heart Carefully, You Can See the Strange
Thoughts Put in by the Evil Spirit 180
When People Become Tired of Eating and Playing,
They Choose the Paths of Thrilling Pleasures 182
The More Prosperity You Have, the More a Certain Force Insdie
of You Pulls You to Pursue Cruel Things 186
There Is No One Who Plans and Decides to Become the Hero of
a Tragic Life from the Beginning 188
The Evil Spirit Puts Us in the Whirlpool of Our Thoughts to Keep Us from Escaping 190
The Hope For People to Will Learn the World of the Heart,
Throw Their Wrongful Thoughts Away, and Be Happy 193
Chapter 7 Finding the Power to Overcome the Evil Spirit
The Evil Spirit Does Not Appear Only to Certain Special People 198
The Words in the Bible Have the Power to Change People 199
This Woman’s Heart Changed from Trembled in Lust and Fear to Joy and Thankfulness 202
Everybody Is Led by Their Thoughts, That’s Why the Most
Important Thing Is Not to Trust Yourself 203
If Jesus Settles Down in Your Heart, You Can Fully Overcome the Evil Spirit 207
If We Recognize the Fact That We Are Led by the Evil Spirit,
We Can Easily Be Freed from the Evil Thoughts 209
At the Age of 19, I Realized That Trusting Myself Would Surely Destroy Me 213
If Only You Could Go to the Heart Store and Buy a Good Heart 216
If I Could Donate My Kidney and Make a Young Lady Healthy,
It Would Be a Blessing 219
How Greatly I Long After You All in the Bowels of Jesus Christ 221
Chapter 8 The Father’s Wisdom Inside of Me
The Korean Melon Farmer I Met in Seongju.
His Life Changed Through His Father’s Love 228
There Are Fertilizers That Overcome the Cold.
If You Give Them Pork Fat, They’ll Get Through It Well 231
The Heart is the Most Important but You Cannot Protect Your Own Heart 233
My Father, Who Lost his Three Younger Siblings to the War,
Always Had Sadness on His Face 236
Our Family Was Able to Have a Safe Refuge Because of My Father’s Wisdom 237
My Father Who Raised Five Sons and Daughters
Is the Model Person for People Who Live with Thinking 238
My Father Was Willing to Do Shameful and Difficult Work If It Was for His Children 240
For Three Days Before His Passing, I Saw My Father’s True Image 243
I Hope to Be Remembered by My Son the Way I Remember My Father 249

상품필수 정보

1. 도서명 내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나(영어)
2. 저자, 출판사 박옥수, 온마인드
3. 크기 150 * 214 * 18 mm
4. 쪽수 240쪽
5. 제품 구성 단권
6. 출간일 2017년 07월 06일
7. 목차 또는 책소개 전 세계 교육 관계자들로부터 청소년문제 전문가로 인정받고 있는 저자 박옥수의 세 번째 마인드북 <내 안에 있는 나 아닌 나>가 출간되었다. 저자가 독자들에게 꼭 알려주고 싶은 ‘생각의 정체와 정리과정’을 심층으로 다룬 이 책은, 저자가 실제로 만나 상담한 사례를 바탕으로 마음의 세계를 더욱 심도 있게 분석한 마인드북이다. 이에 앞서, 2009년 중국 공청단의 초청을 받아 이틀 간 청소년문제에 관한 교육을 했는데, 그때 중국 출판사의 제안으로 발행된 책이 <나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐>이다. 이 책이 마음의 세계를 설명한 최초의 마인드북으로 자리하면서 마인드북 시리즈가 출간되고 있다.


- 1만 원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 평균 배송일은 2일입니다.

- 배송 가능일은 4일 입니다. 배송 가능일이란 본 상품을 주문 하신 고객님들께 상품 배송이 가능한 기간을 의미합니다. (단, 연휴 및 공휴일은 기간 계산시 제외하며 현금 주문일 경우 입금일 기준 입니다.)

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- 변심반품의 경우 수령 후 7일 이내 가능합니다. 

- 변심 혹은 구매착오로 인한 교환 및 반품의 경우 반송료는 고객이 부담합니다.

- 단, 도서를 읽은 흔적이 있는 경우는 환불이 불가합니다.

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